Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where did that week go

Well I don't want to do this every day so once a week works for me. I have been researching all week, along with starting to scan photos. Today I am posting some pictures of my wedding cake, I got re-married in 2007 and here are some pictures of the cake in progress and the final product. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for some classics.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Jade and Bernie

Today was my eldest daughters and father in laws birthday party (actual days 5th Bernie and 6th Jade). We had all the family together and I made a little cake.

I created the book because my beautiful daughter just finished her third year of university, the golf clubs are Bernie's passion so that's why I put them in the book.

Well time to turn the page and look forward to next week. I will be scanning all my photos and adding them over the next couple of weeks. I hope you don't get bored seeing them and having a brief description of each.
I guess its up to you if you read them. Have a good week